AOD to T-5/Tremec 3550
AOD to T-5/Tremec 3550
This is a very common swap for people who want a stick in their automatic equiped cars. This swap is straight forward, but requires quite a bit of time and effort, mostly coming from the pedal swap.
Parts Needed:
- T-5/Tremec 3550
- Pedal assembly
- Clutch cable
- Aftermarket clutch quadrant preferably
- Shifter
- Shifter boot
- Pilot bushing
- Clutch/pressureplate
- Clutch fork
- Bellhousing
- Bellhousing backing plate
- New/resurfaced flywheel
First thing to do is pull the AOD following the direction you see in the chiltons manual or similar. The next thing you need to tackle is the pedal assembly. Follow your chiltons or haynes in order to r&r the assembly to replace it with the 5 speed setup. The pedals are tricky, so expect to spend some time figuring out how to remove them.
The only issues to really note about this swap is to make sure you get the right cable gear for your speedo cable, which depends on which T5 transmission you go with.